Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

Cemetery (Cemetery)

Take the trolley to the train cemetery (cemetery), the right of the waterfall.
At this point you see the tree at the entrance to a parrot sitting. Talk to him. Give him a few biscuits. If he is busy nibbling pick up the bird (parrot) quickly. You have limited time, but you can continue cookies until you succeed.
Take the rope (rope) in the tree.

Walk to the left and find your cursor (between the forks of the tree) to a "plot", a piece of land. Old Fenimore and say it is the richest (most fertile) plot, that he ever saw.

Combine the head with the handle of the pickaxe. Do this by right clicking on the stem and then left clicking on the header. Now you have a complete pick (pick).
Now click on "use" on the "pick" and the "plot" of land. Fenimore will, after hours of hard work a tiny piece of plowed land (Furrows), where he could plant anything.
Leave the cemetery again.

Forest (Forest)

Arrived in the forest, you walk over the bridge to go across the river.
In the tree on the left of the house, you see, high in the branches, a solid green thing hanging (fabric). Pull it loose from the tree. Pick it up. Look at it in inventory. Here it suddenly orange. It turns a balloon (balloon) to be a crack in it (ripped).

Go to the right of the tree house. Use your knife to the piece of pink gum (chewing gum) from the tree to scrape.

Now go into the house.
Talk to Tom that a vessel with water, sugar (sugar) and barley (barley) needs to be able to fire whiskey. Fenimore promises that he will provide the ingredients.
Take the fishing rod (fishing rod) concerned, against the wall behind state and leave the house.

Use the rod on the river opposite the house and Fenimore captures a horn (horn).
Go back to your train car.

Fort Apache

Arrived at Fort Apache can see the locomotive on the rails are. Talk to the driver (engine driver). He leaves only when he gets the order of the station / telegraph operator of Big Town. But for now they are still together playing chess by telegraph.

Walk the fort and talk to the lieutenant (lieutenant) to. Fenimore he learns how to salute, and says that General Lecomte will attack the Indians. Probably because they have a golden skull possession.

Walk to the left where you see a horse standing. Open the door to the left high kick. Go into the kitchen and see it all.
Open the cabinet and take out a bottle of Tabasco sauce. If the bottle in your inventory you want to open, Fenimore says that he can with his bare hands.
Exit the kitchen.

Look out just above the kitchen. You see a triangle hanging.

Walk to the window with the curtains sloping behind the men.
Look through the window and see the colonel sitting in barrel. He takes a bath.
He needs a towel.

Weather Gang
Walk down the high stairs to the back hallway.
Look at the flag on the top of the tower flies.
Talk to the soldier (look out) on the flag. He says he only ironed the flag, when the sound of a thingy (thingamabob) belongs.
Imitate a few instruments for him. He will recognize the bugle. Remove the horn from inventory and blow a whistle. The soldier will flag (flag) and bring down Fenimore can pick him.

Walk to the left.
In the floor above the blue door you see a door (trapdoor). Make the hatch and look inside the hole. Fenimore looks dynamite and gunpowder.
Use your rod to a few sticks of dynamite (dynamite) to fish.

Walk down the stairs and go back to the window of the Colonel. Give him the flag, and he begins to dry. Then look through the window and Fenimore says the colonel gets dressed.

At the bottom of your screen, near the men, the "way out" and leave the fort. Climb again to your cart train to leave.

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